Join us on Sunday, June 25th, from 4 pm to 8 pm for a delightful evening of art, live music, delicious hors d'oeuvres, and cocktails.

Laissez-faire : Noun

a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.

"a laissez-faire attitude to life"

Within these pieces, you will find moments frozen in time—sunlit landscapes, quiet interiors, and serene natural scenes—all capturing the unique stillness and tranquility that Sundays often bring. These artworks invite you to pause, to breathe deeply, and to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us on the simplest of days.

By indulging in the art on display, I hope to offer you a respite from the demands of everyday life and the chance to reconnect with your inner self. Let the artworks persuade you on a journey of introspection, inspiring you to find solace and peace within.

May this exhibition serve as a reminder that amidst the chaos of the world, there exists a haven of calm—a sanctuary of art that beckons you to embrace the beauty of a leisurely Sunday afternoon.